At the first clearing in 1525/26 the location was called ?Ersberg?. As part of a recollection of the city Wiesbaden to its roman roots, the location received the name ?Neroberg?. After being sold to the city Wiesbaden in 1900, the monopoly vineyard is in possession of the Hessischen Staatsweingu?ter Kloster Eberbach again since 2005. Above the roofs of the magnificent Wilhelminian villas of Wiesbaden you will find the vineyard with its almost 4 hectares. The Riesling vines stretch up the slope to 227 meters. At that point, the site is protected by old-growth forest, which regulates the humidity and temperature of the vineyard in the summer. The soil consists mainly of volcanic weathered rock and loess. - Since the 15th century Crescentia (Latin for "Gewachs") is the name of the wines from the most valuable sites in Eberbach Monastery. - The grapes are selectively harvested by hand with a yield about 60 hl/ha. - The marketing of these quality and special quality wines begins at the earliest in May of the year following the harvest.